Looking Ahead at 2024

I began 2024 off at home with Covid. Now exactly how I imagined the new year beginning. However, around the brain fog I appreciated the time to meditate on the new year.

The Moon Deck posted a 13 card spread for 2024. I follow this group and utilize the Moon Deck often in my own spiritual practice. You can find the instructions for this spread HERE.

The basic idea is to pull 13 cards. The first twelve correspond with the twelve months of the year. The 13th one is the “Thread through it all.”

This spread drew me in because it is a way to look at the entire year in advance. The future is unknown. I have learned over the last few years that it doesn’t matter what you imagine, life has a way of surprising you. Take having Covid over New Years for a current example.

However, setting up a structure to be able to organize and set intentions for the year as a whole is very appealing. This is a tool for meditation that leaves room for whatever comes up.

Photo and Spread thanks to The Moon Deck

I began my ritual with deep breaths and a prayer.

“Spirit, I open my heart to listen to the message you have for me as I meditate on the new year. Please guide me as I pull these cards and reveal the framework that sets up 2024. So may it be.”

I felt a surge of joy as I pulled the first card.

I don’t always pull cards the same, I go with my instinct in the moment. For this pull I started revealing the cards for the first four. Then I shuffled again. I pulled three cards at a time shuffling in between each set. I revealed them all at the end.

The way of this doesn’t much matter in my mind, the cards reveal themselves to you in their own way and every sitting is different. Just go with it.

The Moon Deck 13-Card 2024 Spread

1. January - Purpose

I have unlimited potential and claim my purpose. All I need is within me.

2. February - Nourish

Conscious eating nourishes me.

3. March - Breath

The rhythm of my breath directs the rhythm of my life.

4. April - Sanctuary

My home is a sacred space full of beauty, inspiration, and protection.

5. May - Weaver

I am the weaver of my reality.

6. June - Rebirth

I shed habits that hinder my truth, I release and renew.

7. July - Shadow

There is medicine in my shadow.

8. August - Transform

I honor the natural process of growth and transformation.

9. September - Collaboration

Collaboration brings more sweetness into my life and into the world.

10. October - Earth

I am of the earth and in harmony with nature.

11. November - Integrate

Now is the time to integrate all that I have gathered.

12. December - Focus

I focus on what is working.

13. The Thread through it All - Rest

Proper rest helps me feel and look my best.

Thirteen cards is a large spread to do. It felt like a handful of cards as I was pulling. Once they were all laid out, they told a very compelling story.

Reviewing my spread, I love that January has purpose. That is exactly what I am seeking to clarify right now. February, that is one of the hardest months for me when it comes to Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), nourish is the directive. That feels very appropriate.

March is the time to remember to just breathe. April is the time to focus on my space, which is perfect because that is the time of the year when the wheel starts to turn outward. May as the weaver is perfect because that is where everything begins in earnest for the busy summer months, especially at the gate of Yosemite where I work.

Rebirth is a wonderful reminder for June that we are always growing and to do that we must let go of what doesn’t serve us. July shows us shadow, which I thought was really interesting because that is the height of the sun. Yet, when the sun is the brightest, our shadows are at their largest. I look forward to seeing what comes up in these months. I’m an oddball because I LOVE shadow work.

August brings transformation, which is a perfect follow up to shadow work. Then comes collaboration with September. I would like to make this a theme for the whole year, but fall is a great time to check in with how it all working.

I love that October is earth because that is my birthday month. It feels good to remember that I am of the earth and in harmony with nature as I celebrate my year around the sun. It is also a reminder of why I do the work that I do with the National Parks. I am honored by this particular pairing.

November brings integration, which feels important because that is the time to reap the harvest and digest what the summer and transition months have shown me. Then December is focus. Since this month has just passed, this feels very accurate because it is the time to let go of what isn’t working and focus on what it. We can always find lacking, but when we focus with a grateful heart on our abundance magic happens.

Rest is the thread through it all. This is so perfect! I wondered if having Covid at the beginning of 2024 was an omen. Instead, I believe it is a reminder. Rest is the most important thing in our lives to keep us going. When we are rested, we can take on almost anything. This is an important reminder for all times of the year. Each season brings its own challenges and rewards, the one thing that is constant is our need to take care of ourselves through the different seasons. This may look different in some ways and remain the same in others. Awareness and acceptance are the keys to rest. In this view, having Covid right now is a reminder of the importance of rest.

This has been a very enlightening spread. Thank you Moon Deck! I strive to keep this as a framework to meditate on throughout the year. I look forward to what 2024 has to offer.

I send you love beautiful soul! May your 2024 be filled with joy, love, and adventure.

Peace and Love, Anda

Hello 2024, Goodbye Covid


A Nature Day of Poetry - December 8, 2023