Waning Moon - December 6, 2023

We are entering a waning moon as the wheel of the year turns towards Yule. This is the time to slow down, look inward at your thoughts and goals, and decide where to steer your ship into the new year.

This is a time to be grateful for the abundance that we have in life. And to also consider what ideas, habits, or possessions we can let go of.

It is a hard thing to let go. It means that we must give up something. However, it also means we can allow fresh energy into our souls and our energy and wellness.

This season brings darker days and a desire to find cozy areas to do less and think more.

Today the skies started out blue, with a few rapid moving clouds. Then as the day wore on became overcast and then the rain fell, a clarifying and healing rain.

When I feel like my thoughts are running away from me, I reach into my wellness toolkit and retrieve an oracle deck. I do not have much rhyme or reason to the outside world to decide which one to use. However, I know on the inside. My intuition leads me to the message that is waiting in the silence.

For today’s reading I chose Nature’s Whispers Oracle Cards, artwork by Josephine Wall and guide written by Angela Hartfield.

My first two cards were meditating on my personal connections and my location here in Yosemite:

I continued this reading by pulling four cards, one for each element that aligns with a part of self.

Earth and Physical

Air and Intellectual

Water and Emotional

Fire and Spiritual

Each of these cards felt like they spoke to me. Gave me wisdom and reassurance that my needs are being met and that I am love, and in control of my own choices.

I feel the sense of transition happening with the season, it is very powerful. In a lot of ways, I feel stable and secure, and even knowing that I sense a big change is coming on the horizon.

For this season, my focus is to spend time with my thoughts and work creatively to discover and celebrate the course of my life.

Even in the darkness, this is a great time of abundance, if we remember that we contain our own light and emit our own unique frequency.

The light, love, student, and teacher in me sees and honors the light, love, student, and teacher in you. Namaste.


A Nature Day of Poetry - December 8, 2023


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